KUPOLATI, Lawrence Olufemi
- Phd (RELIGIOus Ethics) - Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
- M.A. (RELIGIOus Studies) - University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
- B.A. (Hons), R.S - Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
- DIP. Th - Immanuel College of Theology, Samonda, Ibadan
- DIP. R.S - University of Ibadan, Nigeria

- Workshop for Urban Mission and Theological Education Training, Sponsored by (Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion): July 2024
- African Society for the Study of Sociology and Ethics of Religions (ASSOSER) Conference: 2023
- National Association for the Study of Religions and Education (NASRED) Conference: July 2023
- Hospital Chaplaincy – Bowen University Teaching Hospital, Ogbomoso, Oyo State: April 2019 and July 2020
- HIV and other Pandemics Programme, Sponsored by the World Council of Churches and Christian Council of Nigeria, November, 2023
- Member, Justice of Peace, Osun State of Nigeria: 2009
- Leadership and Citizenship Training, Sponsored by Ministry of Information, Social Development, Youth Sports and Culture, Oyo State, Nigeria: May 1994
Membership of Learned Societies
- Member, Harmonized B.A. Bible Translation and M.A. Bible Translation Curriculum for Theological Seminaries in Nigeria (Bible Society of Nigeria)
- Member, African Society for the Study of Sociology and Ethics of Religions (MASSOSER)
- Member, National Association for the Study of Religions and Education (NASRED)
Academic Publications
Already Published
- L.O. Kupolati, (2019) Diocese of Ijesa North at Ten (2009 – 2019), Osogbo: Olajoh Information and Communication Technology 243pp, ISBN 978-978-53626-2-6
Articles in Edited Volume
- L.O. Kupolati, (2020) Theological Education as the Basis for National Unity (eds) Theological Education and the Repositioning of Church and the Nation in the 21st Century, Ibadan: Baptist Press (Nig.) ISBN: 978-978-57487-7-0
- L.O. Kupolati, Ph.D. and T.T, Bello, Ph.D (2021) The Anglican Church and the issue of Homosexuality in the Contemporary Society, from Historical Analysis (eds), The Education in the 21st Century (1st edited) Publication of Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti pp.234-250. ISBN:978-978-555728-7-2
- L.O. Kupolati Ph.D (2022) Obedience to Constituted Authority: Implication on Ministerial Assignment. A lecture Presented at 2022 Annual Ministers’ Conference of the Protestant Chaplaincy of the Nigeria Police Force.
- L.O. Kupolati Ph.D (2022) Application of the Principles of Ethics to Leadership Formation. Leadership Mission and Church Growth in Africa (eds), Published by Zenith Bookhouse Ltd Ibadan (1st Edition) pp. 470 – 478. ISBN: 978-978-993-889-6
Articles in Learned Journals
- L.O. Kupolati, (2020) Ethics of the Kingdom of God as Moral Armament Against Social Vices in Nigeria, Journal of the Faculty of Immanuel College of Theology, Ibadan, Vol. 2. Issues 1 &2, pp. 205 – 214
- L.O. Kupolati, (2020), Covid-19, Pains: A Precursor to National Rebirth. Journal of Theological Seminary, Legon – Ghana Vol. 20, No 3, pp.112 – 115, ISSN:0885-1979
- L.O. Kupolati, (2024) Biblical Beatitudes: A Panacea to Nigeria’s Political Quagmire (ed) George Lasebikan and Ope Aluko, in Religion and Politics in Nigeria: Myths, Realities and Power Dynamics, Cambridge Scholars
Edited Books
- L.O. Kupolati, (2015), The Church / Religious Dimension of Prof. ’Poju Onibokun in ’Poju Onibokun Prince, Scholar, Humanist, A. Banjo (ed.) Ibadan AGOF. Pp. 188 – 193. ISBN,978-978-0182564
Long Essay, Project, Dissertation and Thesis
- Critical Analysis of the Book of Prophet Amos, Diploma in Theology (Dip.Th), Immanuel College of Theology, Samonda, Ibadan, 1994.
- Ife/Modakeke Crisis: Religious Implications, B.A. Religious Studies, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, 2000
- Ethical Relevance of Beatitudes to the Political Situation in Nigeria, M.A., Dissertation, University of Ibadan, Ibadan 2004
- An Application of Consequentialist Analysis to the Attitude of Anglicans on Abortion in Ijesaland, Ph.D, Thesis, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, 2021