Immanuel College Of Theology Of Theology And Christian Education, Ibadan.
Founded in 1958, Immanuel College of Theology is the premier theological institution in Nigeria and West Africa. Our rich history is rooted in the merger of two esteemed theological centers: Melville Hall, Kudeti, and the Ministerial Department of Wesley College, both located in Ibadan. This partnership, uniting Anglican and Methodist traditions, gave birth to Immanuel College, a symbol of ecumenical unity and theological excellence.
“To promote and sustain an ecumenical spirit that produces intellectuals and giant manpower for all Christian denominations.”
“To provide effective training of church ministers for academic excellence (Christian option) that will enhance ministry and transform society.”
Our Anthem
Stanza 1
Immanuel College our School
We love to hail your name
The fountain of knowledge
Symbol of Church’s unity
Where lives are made
To make more lives
You’re great
Our school Immanuel
Your God is with us.
Stanza 2
Our God we lift your name on high
We adore Thee Lord Most High
For guiding this noble course
Of grounded vision
To bring up men
To fish more men
We hail you
Lord Immanuel
For you’ve been with us.
Our Legacy
The name “Immanuel” signifies our commitment to both the transcendence and immanence of God—He is indeed “God with us” (Matt. 1:23). From the beginning, Immanuel College has been a collaborative effort, preparing ministers and Christian educators not only for Nigeria but for churches across Africa, including Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana, and beyond. Over the decades, we have equipped over a thousand church ministers for various denominations, continuing to serve as a beacon of theological education and Christian leadership.
Academic Milestones
In 1971, the College established a formal relationship with the University of Ibadan, training students for a Diploma in Religious Studies. This partnership grew, and in 1986, we secured full affiliation with the University, offering students a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Christian Studies. This affiliation has allowed us to provide a robust, university-level education that complements our theological focus.
Our Past Leaders